Aihua Chen profile image

Hi, I'm Aihua Chen. Born and raised in China. I earned my Bachelor's Degree of Engineering from Jilin University and Master of Applied Mathematics Degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.Moved to the U.S. in 2013.

Driven by building user friendly and accessible AI services, I back to school on March 2020 pursuing a Master's Degree of Computer Science in AI track.I enjoy taking web, algorithm, machine learning and natural language processing classes.

When I am free,I read,go to bouldering gym and hiking with my friends.

Aihua Chen journey


In China, I was an intern of software engineer building application in Java. I also worked as a product designer in industry.

In the U.S., driven by improving diversity in computer science, I worked as a research-based mooc developer. The MOOC is to teach community college faculties how to improve diversity in computing. As the technical person ,I run production-level Open Edx and Discourse instances. Collected, analyzed learners behavior data, initiated data-driven predictive action items for educational interventions and improving students engagement. I also assisted in course content creation and course management.

Next, I am looking forward to working in industry to serve web clients and end users.

Projects and Skills

Web development Projects
  1. My World in Data
    My way to travel to the world during covid-19. This website visualized HDI, GDP,Nobel Prizes and Laureates data using apex.charts.
  2. Color Harmonization
    A website you can harmonize your image.
  3. 8-D Wellness
    A website you can aware of the eight dimensions of wellness,the science behind it,and your daily simple activities to strength your personal wellness.
Machine Learning Projects
  1. Regression
    To clean up code.
    To push code
  2. Classification
    To clean up code.
    To push code
  3. Clustering
    To clean up code.
    To push code
NLP Projects
  1. Google Voice Assistant User Interface
    To clean up code.
    To push code
  2. ML for NLP
    In progress.
    In progress
  1. Programming Languages
    Python, Java, JavaScript,SQL,HTML,CSS.
  2. Frameworks
    Pandas, NumPy,Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Flask, React, Vue, Bootstrap.


See you on Goodreads

Fun Fact

Contact to know my funniest facts.

Which is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?(Remind myself these English names.)

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